GT5 Race Simulator by Audi and Sony

This a great news for the car game mania. Audi, the automaker from Germany, and Sony built a joint venture to create the racing simulator for Gran Turismo 5 (gt5), Audi R8 LMS. This joint venture has been legalized in Gamescom. By using this simulator, the player can play the car game, gt5, by Play Station 3 in Germany. The driver will be as if in the real racing car and can feel directly how to be in the circuits.

According to Jurgen Zurn, Head of Test and Production of Quatto GmbH, the creating of the basic car for this gt5 race simulator needed a time for six weeks. For the car game player, playing this advanced car game such as gt5 car game will give the unique experience in playing car game.
This joint venture of Sony and Audi in creating the car game simulator will success because both Audi and Sony have the great track record around the world.
The car race game simulator, Audi R8 LMS is one of most successful sport in gt5, while Gran Turismo 5 is the best seller car game in Germany with the sale more hat a half of million for three years period.


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